42 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Communication Diagrams

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    Formal modelling languages range from strictly textual ones like process algebra scripts to visual modelling languages based on hierarchical graphs like coloured Petri nets. Approaches equipped with visual modelling capabilities make developing process easier and help users to cope with more complex systems. Alvis is a modelling language that combines possibilities of formal models verification with flexibility and simplicity of practical programming languages. The paper deals with hierarchical communication diagrams - the visual layer of the Alvis modelling language. It provides all necessary information to model system structure with Alvis, to manipulate a model hierarchy and to understand a model semantics. All considered concepts are discussed using illustrative examples

    A Self-Adapting IoT Network Configuration Supported by Distributed Graph Transformations

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    The research described in this article aims to propose the creation of a framework that would enable the self-optimization of IoT device networks. The work is based on two foundations: distributed graph transformations and a flexible IoT network supported by the several standards and definitions proposed by The Open Group, such as the definition of microservices architecture (MSA) as well as IoT and semantic interoperability standards, providing a broader context for the research. It introduces the concept of capabilities, both at the individual device and network levels, which are used to describe the desired functions that will be performed by the given system. The network of distributed IoT devices is visualized as a graph, and graph transformations are used to specify and optimize the network in response to events like degraded performance, failures, or configuration changes. These actions are automatically performed in order to restore the original set of capabilities defined for the system. Validation of these capabilities is used to assess the success rate of the performed actions. The document describes a practical implementation of an IoT network for managing and monitoring an indoor greenhouse. Thanks to the introduction of formal representation of capabilities, the programming effort required to build the system was significantly reduced. Furthermore, automation related to the validation of capabilities and the performance of automated actions reduces the effort by a factor of a hundred compared with a manual action

    Zastosowanie gramatyk grafowych typu double pushout w 艣rodowisku GRADIS

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Bibliografia s.920.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.ABSTRACT: Parallel graph computations improve a system effectiveness. GRADIS multiagent framework is offered to support this idea. In the paper we evaluate an overhead generated by a cooperation in a set of the agents in the distributed environment, for the case of the one of most popular graph grammars - double pushout grammar. STRESZCZENIE: R贸wnoleg艂e przetwarzanie podnosi efektywno艣膰 systemu informatycznego. Platforma wieloagentowa GRADIS umo偶liwia wykonanie transformacji grafowych w 艣rodowisku rozproszonym. W niniejszym artykule szacujemy narzut obliczeniowy wywo艂any kooperacj膮 agent贸w dla jednego z najpowszechniejszych mechanizm贸w transformacji grafowych - gramatyk typu double pushout. KEYWORDS: parallel graph transformations, double pushout graph grammar, multiagent systems. S艁OWA KLUCZOWE: r贸wnoleg艂e transformacje grafowe, gramatyki grafowe double pushout, systemy wieloagentowe

    Stochastyczne metody generacji IE-graf贸w

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Bibliogr. s. 861.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.STRESZCZENIE: W artykule om贸wiono metody probabilistycznej generacji struktur grafowych, tzw. IE-graf贸w, stanowi膮cych formalizm dla opisu szerokiego spektrum problem贸w, w szczeg贸lno艣ci w dziedzinie rozpoznawania obraz贸w. W pracy przedstawione zosta艂y metody opisu (za pomoc膮 tzw. deskryptor贸w) oraz w艂asno艣ci otrzymanych IE-graf贸w. Prezentowane metody generacji pozwalaj膮 na tworzenie struktur o zadanych w艂a艣ciwo艣ciach.S艁OWA KLUCZOWE: generacja graf贸w, syntaktyczne metody rozpoznawania obraz贸w, IE-grafy. ABSTRACT: In the article the probabilistic methods of graph structures generation are discussed. That class of graphs known also as IE graphs allows to formalize a variety of problems including pattern recognition area. In the paper we also present the methods of description of the obtained IE graphs (by using so called descriptors) and their properties. Generation methods being presented here allow to create the graphs having the desired properties. KEYWORDS: graph generation, syntactic pattern recognition, IE-graphs

    Parallel allocation of the distributed software using node label controlled graph grammars

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Bibliogr. s. 336-337.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej

    Algorytm scalania diagram贸w stanu w modelowaniu system贸w wbudowanych

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    Tyt. z nag艂.Bibliogr. s. 387-388.W artykule przedstawiono aspekt implementacyjny algorytmu scalania graf贸w stanu, modeluj膮cych kooperuj膮ce systemy wbudowane, a tak偶e wykazano jego wielomianow膮 z艂o偶ono艣膰. Znajomo艣膰 takiego grafu jest istotna, poniewa偶 pozwala na analiz臋 zachowania z艂o偶onego systemu, a w szczeg贸lno艣ci na wykrywanie sytuacji niepo偶膮danych, takich jak zakleszczenia. Nawet dla ma艂ej liczby prostych podsystem贸w, o niewielkiej liczbie stan贸w, diagram otrzymany w wyniku scalenia mo偶e charakteryzowa膰 si臋 znaczna liczb膮 stan贸w, co praktycznie wyklucza jego r臋czn膮 generacj臋. Z tego powodu niezb臋dne jest posiadanie narz臋dzia umo偶liwiaj膮cego automatyzacj臋 tego procesu.In the paper implementation issues related to algorithm of merging state diagrams for cooperating embedded systems, are shown. Its polynomial complexity is also proven. The knowledge of such a merged graph enables one to detect deadlocks or other unwanted effects. Even for a few smali graphs a resultant graph being their superposition may be large enough to make a manual merging impossible. For that reason one needs a tool automatizing that task.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.S艁OWA KLUCZOWE: grafy LTS, systemy wbudowane, Alvis. KEYWORDS: LTS graphs, embedded systems, Alvis

    Intelligent City Lighting Supported by Graph-based Multiagent System

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    The growing costs of energy and environmental care stimulate the development of technologies reducing the energy usage. In the paper we discuss the case of聽 an intelligent city lighting system which acts towards fitting the actual environment needs related to lighting. It is accomplished by performing some actions when an environment state changes but also by predicting the state changes on the basis of data provided by sensors. The problem complexity requires using formal model of a system enabling a problem decomposition and processing parallelization